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Seraphinite is often referred to as an angel stone because of its higher energies and relationship with angels. Seraphinite is said to help contact angels and communicate with them. Psychically, seraphinite is beneficial for intuition and psychic awareness. This stone can be very protective of the heart chakra when used over this chakra, and is helpful for sending unconditional love. Seraphinite is a purifying stone that helps one find one's higher purpose and will.

 This bracelet will fit up to a 7 inch wrist size.



Seraphinite Bead Bracelet

  • This bracelet will fit up to a 7 inch wrist size and the bead size is a 8mm bead. If you would like to have this bracelet in a differant size please let us know and we can adjust to another wrist size. 

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